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How to Put Roots on Someone: Do it on a man or Woman

how to put roots on someone, Love spell to make someone, put roots, putting

Are you looking to put roots on someone, whether it be for revenge, love, or personal gain? Putting roots on someone is a form of black magic that can be used to manipulate or control the actions of others. However, it’s important to approach this practice with caution and responsibility. In this article, we will discuss what putting roots on someone means, how it works, and provide a step-by-step guide to performing effective spells. However, if you need to know how to do this in a quick way, contact me that I can be able to help you

Working on someone who has wronged you

Are you feeling frustrated or angry with someone who has wronged you? Do you wish to exact revenge on them or make them suffer? If so, you may be considering putting roots on them.

Understanding What Putting Roots on Someone Means

Putting roots on someone is a form of black magic that aims to influence or control the behavior of a target individual. It can be done using various methods, such as spells, curses, or hexes, and is typically performed for personal gain or revenge. The roots, in this case, symbolize the control or manipulation over the target, much like the roots of a plant that can take hold and spread throughout its surroundings.

Preparing for the Spell

Before performing any spell, it’s important to prepare yourself mentally and physically. This includes setting your intention, clearing your mind, and gathering the necessary materials for the spell.

Materials Needed to Put Roots on Someone

Before attempting to put roots on someone, it is important to gather the necessary materials. Here is a list of some of the materials that may be needed:

Personal item from the targeted individual (hair, nail clippings, etc.)

Candle (black, red, or white)

Herbs (such as rue, mullein, or mandrake)



Paper and pen

Small glass jar or bottle

Pins or needles

Lighter or matches

Steps to Put Roots on Someone

Methods of Putting Roots on Someone

There are many different methods of putting roots on someone, and the specific method you choose will depend on your goals and personal preferences. Some of the most common methods include using oils, powders, and candles, as well as performing rituals and spells.

Using Oils to Put Roots on Someone

Using oils is a popular method of putting roots on someone, as it is relatively easy to do and can be very effective. To use oils for this purpose, you will need to choose an appropriate oil, such as love oil, money oil, or success oil, depending on your goals. You will then need to anoint yourself or the person you wish to influence with the oil, focusing your intentions on your desired outcome.

Using Powders to Put Roots on Someone

Powders can also be used to put roots on someone, and they are often used in conjunction with oils and other ingredients. To use powders for this purpose, you will need to choose a suitable powder, such as a love powder, money powder, or success powder. You can then sprinkle the powder on yourself or the person you wish to influence, or you can use it to create a magical circle or other ritual space.

Using Candles to Put Roots on Someone

Candles are a powerful tool in rootwork, and they can be used to put roots on someone in a variety of ways. To use candles for this purpose, you will need to choose an appropriate color and type of candle, such as a red candle for love, a green candle for money, or a white candle for purification. You will then need to light the candle and focus your intentions on your desired outcome, allowing the candle to burn down completely

Put Roots on a Man to Make Him Love You

Discover the power of love spells and how to use them to attract and keep the man of your dreams. Learn how to put roots on a man and make him love you forever. My guide will show you how to cast effective love spells and create a strong love bond that lasts. Don’t forget to reach me on my details on this website.